Earth Day is being celebrated on 22 April through out the world aiming to spread awareness about the environment. This is a reminder to everyone how precious our every step is and every little step to green the planet will make it a better place in the long run.

The first Earth Day was celebrated on 22 April 1970. U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson at first announced this concept in a speech in Seattle in 1969. The horrific oil spill by the coast of Santa Barbara in 1969, made him to think about it. Senator Gaylord Nelson again expressed his thought in a meeting with United Auto Workers in Atlanta City in the same year. The main aim was to celebrate a teach-in day about the environment and to let the then government know the protest of concerned Americans on environmental issues. Before 1970 factories could dispose industrial wastes in streams or, anywhere and could blow out black smoke very easily, there was no one to file a case against them, because there was no clean air act, no clean water act and there was no EPA. Therefore, it is easy to understand that how miserable was the condition of the earth and its environment at that time.

To celebrate the first earth day nation wide a committee was formed where Denis Hayes as the main organizer. The day was celebrated in New York. The organizers met students in different University and college and among these students, some started to work with the team. They collected volunteers and work for the publicity of the event. The then mayor Lindsay agreed to shutdown the 5th Avenue. More than twenty million Americans were participated on the first Earth Day. A coast-to-coast rally was organized. This was the beginning of the modern Environmental events.

The first Earth Day was a protest against the deterioration against environment. Gradually, it has become popular and people through out the world started to celebrate this day. Now 175 countries of the world are celebrating this day. Each Earth Day celebration holds different issues.

The world has always benefited from the results of this day. The results of first Earth Day were creation of EPA, forming Clean Air Act and some other law related to environment. The most important thing is it provoked the government of USA and other countries to think about making policy on environmental issues. The first United Nations Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, in 1992 and this is the outcome of the Earth Day 1990.

The organizers of Earth Day are not only engaged in celebrating only one day in a year but they founded another organization named Earth Day Network to promote year round activities in USA and through out the world.